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People & Places
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The world wide web is full of interesting web sites about DanceSport.  The following hyperlinks will connect you to a number of sites that will entertain and inform you about ballroom dancing and DanceSport.

If you know of other sites that Joel & Clara would be interested in, please feel free to e-mail them and send them the site's URL!


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ADT Security Services

ADT Security Services is one of Canada's leading security service providers.  ADT provides security services for both residential and business properties.  Through their active involvement and sponsorship of the SnowBall Classic IDSF Open to the World, they have been able to help support Joel & Clara's travel expenses.  If you are interested in purchasing a security service for your home or business, please consider ADT for your security needs.  Please support ADT as they support Joel & Clara!

Limbers Dance Discount

Limbers Dance Discount is Joel & Clara's Official Shoe sponsor.  Limbers is one of North America's largest ballroom dance shoe distributers and carries some of ballroom's top shoe brands.  Joel & Clara both wear Freed of London, ballroom shoes for both practice and competition.  If you are intersted in purchasing a new pair of ballroom or jazz shoes, please support Limbers as they support Joel & Clara!

Limbers Dance Discount
5635 West Boulevard
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Phone:    (604) 264-0009
Fax:        (604) 264-0046
Toll-free:  1-877-270-0018

Store Hours
Monday - Friday:      10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday:                  10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday:                    12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

MIKI Photo

See one of the internet's most extensive ballroom photography and digital imaging site.  Showcasing pictures of world-class dancers from around the world, MIKI Photo is a must for any dance enthusiast.

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The Grand Ballroom

See where Joel & Clara do most of their training.  Not only is the Grand Ballroom a great place to train, but also to take group and private lessons by some of BC's best dance professionals.  You don't need any experience to start at the Grand Ballroom!  Andy & Wendy will take good care of you.  (Hint:   Look for their 2-for-1 introductory coupon on their web site!!!)



The ultimate web site about DanceSport.  Brought to you by Cayton-Tang International, this award winning web site will answer all your questions about DanceSport on a global scene!  New to their virtual line-up is their new dancescape.tv site!  Utilizing the newest internet technologies, this site allows you to see premier dance movies, interviews and shows by the world's top amateur and professional dancers.


International DanceSport Federation

Find out what DanceSport's international governing body is doing to help put DanceSport into the Olympics!  Furthermore, checkout the world ranking lists and see where all the international competitions are being held.


DanceSport BC

Learn more about DanceSport and ballroom dancing in and around British Columbia, Canada.  Lots of interesting information and links to the world famous Snowball Classic.


Ballroom Dancers . Com

One of the internet's most informative ballroom dance web sites.   Ballroom Dancers.Com has everything to offer from intstructional video clips of dance steps, to ordering the hottest new ballroom CD's!


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