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Personal   Map

Joel & Clara's Story
Joel's Profile
Clara's Profile




Jc07.jpg (40466 bytes)

photo by: thomas billingsley photography


   Ever wondered how Joel & Clara started dancing together?  How they met?  What they think of being top-level DanceSport competitors?  This "Personal" section will hopefully provide some answers for you and much more. 

   Feel free to surf through this section and get to know Joel & Clara a little bit better.  The purple hyperlinks found in the menu bar to the left will lead you through a number of pages about Joel & Clara.  Feel free to either hop from page to page through these hyperlinks or just follow the natural sequence of the pages by using the blue "next page" and "previous page" hyperlinks found at the bottom of each page.

   If you are interested in finding out more information about Joel & Clara,  feel free to use the "Contact Them" hyperlink found at the bottom of any page and send them an e-mail.  Who knows, your question just might be posted in the interview section!


n e x t  p a g e

p r e v i o u s  p a g e

b a c k  t o  t o p

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