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Media Coverage

Sponsorship Map

Media Coverage
Annual Expenses
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Rewards
Contributors to the Dream




Download Joel & Clara's Sponsorship Package in PDF (1.3MB)

     The amount of public exposure DanceSport has been receiving has exploded over the past few years.  Coverage through print, radio, television, movie and internet media has brought DanceSport into the public eye.  DanceSport events are being attended monthly by hundreds of participants and spectators that represent an affluent and diverse demographic mix.  Most notably, there has been a recent increase in interest and participation in DanceSport by the Asian Canadian community.


"DanceSport has been growing in popularity by leaps and bounds during the past few years.  Since 1998, I have been closely working with the International Olympic Committee and the International DanceSport Federation for the inclusion of DanceSport in the 2008 Olympic Games. 

The future is very bright for DanceSport, and I see its public and mass media exposure increasing exponentially.  As an example, in 1997 the sport's international TV exposure was under 10 million, but in 2003 it will reach 146 million viewers on six continents."

-James Fraser
President, Canadian Amateur DanceSport Association
Member, International DanceSport Federation Presidium


     The image and culture that surrounds DanceSport is full of excitement, glamour and class.  Joel and Clara represent this image and are a talented and hard working DanceSport couple who are well-respected in the dancing community. 

    Joel and Clara have been featured in the following publications, web sites, radio and television:

  • 'W Network Television, SnowBall Classic
    (to be aired on July 30th 2003.  Check your TV Times!)
  • Women's Television Network's "Dancing at the Palais"
  • CBC Radio (You will need Real Player to listen to their interview)
  • World Journal
  • Vancouver Courier
  • Richmond News
  • Vancouver Lifestyles Magazine
  • RicePaper Magazine
  • Philippine Journal
  • The Point, UBC Sports Newspaper
  • Sport BC Calendar
  • Dancin', DanceSport BC newsletter (regularly featured)
  • DanceSport BC website
  • Grand Ballroom website
  • Snowball Classic website
  • Flair Design website
  • Limbers Dance Discount website


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