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Annual Expenses

Sponsorship Map

Media Coverage
Annual Expenses
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Rewards
Contributors to the Dream

Download Joel & Clara's Sponsorship Package in PDF (1.3MB)

   There are numerous ingredients that are essential to becoming a top-level DanceSport couple.  Joel and Clara definitely have the hard work, dedication and passion to succeed.  The only piece of the puzzle they are missing is the finances to support their dream.  

Here is an overview of Joel and Clara's Annual DanceSport Expenses:

Weekly coaching fees
Out-of-town coaching fees
Practice floor fees


Total Training Costs


Clara's competition ballgown
Joel's competition shirts & accessories
Competition shoes
Make-up & hair products
Hair cutting & styling


Total Costuming Costs


Competition registration fees
Travel costs
DanceSport BC fees


Total Competition Costs


Total Annual Expenses



   Although Joel & Clara's goal is to become fully sponsored, they also know that most of you who are interested in sponsoring them do not have the ability to sponsor all their expenses.  Therefore, Joel & Clara have developed a sponsorship program that accommodates any type of sponsor. Check out the 'Sponsorship Opportunities' on the next page to find out! 


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p r e v i o u s  p a g e

b a c k  t o  t o p

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