Joel & Clara's Story |
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Joel & Clara met at the University of British Columbia Dance Club in 1997. During that time, Clara was fully immersed in the club and in the local DanceSport scene. She was the Internal Vice President of the club and the girl that "won a billion trophies at last year's Gala Ball", as Joel puts it. Joel, on the other hand, was just a graduate of the newcomer level, and a new member of the UBC Dance Club Latin Formation Team. Although Joel knew who Clara Shih was, he didn't think it was the same on the other side of the fence. Later that year, Joel was elected as one of the UBC Dance Club's Bronze Representatives. While spending time in the office each had the opportunity to get to know the other a little better while watching endless DanceSport videos on the couch.
A few months passed and Joel finally entered into his first ever DanceSport competition, the '97 Grand Ball. Although Clara dominated the field, Joel was able to place directly behind her in both the Silver level Standard & Latin categories. These were great accomplishments for both of them and their partners. With the Grand Ball one week into the past, Joel planned to spend a quiet Friday night watching a cool John Travolta dance movie (no, not Saturday Night Fever)...until he received a call from his Internal Vice President. To make a long story short, Joel never finished watching the movie, because Clara ended up asking Joel out on their first date that very night; Friday, November 14, 1997. Guess where they ended up the ballroom to dance the night away. Joel admits to being a little nervous dancing with Clara that night trying to sweep her off her feet with his limited repertoire of newcomer and bronze steps.
During the summer of '98, Joel & Clara finally teamed up to compete in the Latin & American style. Their preparations for their first competition together brought them as far as The Studio in Calgary, Alberta. There they received their Cha Cha & Jive choreography from the former Canadian Professional Latin & American Champion, Jean Marc-Genereux. They flew to Calgary on a seat sale and stayed with Joel's Uncle William and Auntie Rowena for a couple of days, while training with the visiting Professional Champion. With their new competitive routines and a few months of training, Joel & Clara placed first in the Pre-Championship Latin Division.
Although Joel & Clara had already been training for six months on the Latin & American dances, it was only until April '99 when they started to train with their Standard coach Gilles Bettner, of the Grand Ballroom. With one month before the BC Closed Championships, it was only with the Vancouver Pacific Lions Club's generous donation that enabled Joel & Clara to begin their Standard Ballroom training in that month. Five weeks later, Joel & Clara competed in Standard Ballroom for the first time together. The competition proved to be quite a success. Joel & Clara won both the Pre-Champ Latin and Standard divisions and placed 3rd in the '99 BC Closed Championships. With their results, Joel & Clara qualified for the 2000 Canadian Closed Championships to be held in Halifax, NS on April 22, 2000.
Ever since they became romantically involved and then started dancing together, not much has changed between Joel & Clara. They're both still head-over-heels for each other and they still love to watch endless DanceSport videos together. Although their progress and success up to this point has been exceptionally fast, they have realized that reaching their full dancing potential will be a long, learning process requiring lots of hard work and determination. In the meantime, one can usually find them training up to 6 times a week at the ballroom, working hard, but having fun. Once in a blue moon, you may even catch them social dancing at the Grand Ballroom, where Joel still tries to sweep Clara off her feet. Only this time, he's got a few more steps up his sleeve.