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   During the first week of January 2000, Joel and Clara attended the 11th Annual Intercontinental Intercollegiate Festival held in Daytona, Florida.  They had a blast!  They travelled with 20 other members of the UBC dance team, and competed in various group and individual events.  They met lots of great people from all different parts of the world!  Here are the pictures to prove it...

Florida_JG.jpg (6921 bytes) Here are Joel and Clara, with their new friends, Gordie & Rohit, from England.  Joel and Gordie took first place in the Mambo, with Joel's award-winning 'Bob Power knee walks'.  (You had to be there!)

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Florida ubc team match.jpg (45779 bytes)Joel and Clara teamed up with their UBC friends to compete in the Intercollegiate Team Match event.  Out of approximately 15 teams, the UBC Dance Team (Team 'D') placed second!  Clara & Joel danced the Waltz, Kristen & Voytek: Cha-Cha, Jenny & Spencer: Jive, and Jo & Norm: Quickstep.  Way to go team!



Floridaview.jpg (19862 bytes)Before even joining the UBC Formation Team, Joel and Clara originally planned to go to Florida to further their own dancing.  They wanted to attend the daily workshops, take private lessons and get as much competition experience as possible.  A typical day in Florida for them was to wake up at 7:30am (the only time they got to see the beautiful view pictured to the left), walk down to the Convention Centre (a few blocks away), attend the daily workshops from 8am to 3pm, and then compete all afternoon and evening.  If they could, they'd try to steal a nap on one of the benches, and munch on their sandwiches and granola bars in between rounds.  Needless to say, their feet (and their bodies) were not impressed from all of that dancing!   

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J&C after 6 rounds of Samba, Cha and Jive at 10:30pm

J&C with Charmain ready to dig into dinner at 1:56am



Not only did they participate in tonnes of workshops by top coaches from all over the world, but Joel and Clara had some great private lessons with Timothy & Michelle Mason, winners of the prestigious Ohio Star Ball competition.  On one of the nights, the Masons delivered a superb performance, which enabled Joel and Clara to see all that they had been taught come to life before them on the floor.

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Floridaformation small.jpg (48493 bytes) Clara and Joel had a fabulous time with their Formation Team buddies! The UBC Latin Formation Team ended up placing first amongst 38 colleges.  Clara and Joel would like to thank all of you for a great time!  (L to R) Spencer, Cindy, Joel, Clara, Elman, Kristi, Wes, Jenny, Daniel, Mariannina, Viktor (coach), Romana, Warren, Kristen, Voytek, Kathryn, Alexei, Charmain, Clement.

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Florida trophies small.jpg (19152 bytes) The 2000 Intercollegiate Festival proved to be a very successful event for Joel and Clara. Not only were they part of the winning team, but they placed first or second in over 20 individual events.  Congratulations Joel and Clara!


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