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Corporate Rewards

Sponsorship Map

Annual Expenses
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Rewards
Corporate Rewards
Contributors to the Dream

   The amount of public exposure DanceSport is receiving has exploded over the past few years.   Coverage through print, radio, television, movie and internet media has brought DanceSport into the public eye.  DanceSport events are being attended monthly by hundreds of participants and spectators that represent an affluent and diverse demographic mix

   The image and culture that surrounds DanceSport is full of excitement, competition and class.  If your business wants to gain the "first mover advantage" into this very lucrative market niche, while being directly associated with a talented, hard working and well-respected DanceSport couple, do not miss your opportunity. 

   Your corporate sponsorship of Joel & Clara will not go unnoticed within the DanceSport community and the public eye. 

c h e c k  o u t   j o e l  &  c l a r a ' s   c o m i n g  e v e n t s !

Sponsors of $1000 or more:

  • You will receive an honorary DanceSport demonstration by Joel & Clara at an event of your choice.

  • Receive free banner space for your web site in Joel & Clara's "links" page.

Sponsors of $2500 or more:

  • Receive free banner space for your web site on Joel & Clara's "Home" page.

  • Recognition in one competition souvenir program of sponsor's choice.

  • All of the previously mentioned sponsorship rewards.

Sponsors of $5000 or more:

  • Receive 1-year advertising space on Joel & Clara's warm-up track suits worn to and from training-sessions, demonstrations & competitions.

  • Receive a special 1 - year recognition as Joel & Clara's Official Sponsor on:

  • Free banner space on every page of this web site.

  • All of the previously mentioned sponsorship rewards.


Sponsors of $10, 000 or more:

  • Receive a special 1 - year recognition as Joel & Clara's Official Sponsor on:

  • A Corporate Sponsorship Patch on Joel's competition and demonstration apparel (pictured below).

  • All media coverage of Joel & Clara.

  • All of the previously mentioned sponsorship rewards.

sponsor_patch.jpg (44349 bytes)

   If you are interested in finding out more information, please feel free to use the "Contact Us" hyperlink found at the bottom of any page and send them an e-mail.  Schedule a meeting with Joel & Clara or request a sponsorship package be sent to you via mail.


n e x t  p a g e

p r e v i o u s  p a g e

b a c k  t o  t o p

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