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England Training Trip 2001
     Touring Around
Blackpool 2001
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  When the excitement of Blackpool came to a close, Joel & Clara finally had a few days to tour London and see some of the sights.  With their limited budget, they were restricted to riding the tube and walking around London.  Although they used their tired dancing feet they still managed to see some of the sights.  Here are a few pictures of the places they visited.

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Joel @ Buckingham Palace

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Joel & Clara @ London's Tower Bridge


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Joel & Clara @ Picadilly

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Joel & Clara @ the Picadilly HaganDaaz

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Clara on the Tower Bridge with the Tower of London in the background.

england_2001_eifel_joelandclara_small.jpg (15695 bytes)To add to their trip, Joel & Clara had the opportunity to tour Paris for a day.   With the help of a friend, Joel & Clara were able to take the Eurostar fast train to Paris at a very discounted price.  With only about 8 hours in Paris and a metro map in hand, Joel & Clara ended up running from place to place.  Parisians aren't the best at giving directions, but at least Joel & Clara found the Eiffel Tower!   To add to their memorable day in Paris, Joel & Clara were able to ride first-class on the return trip to London.  With a nice three-course meal and a large comfy seat, the ride home was a nice way to end a hectic day in Paris. 






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