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England Training Trip 2001

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England Training Trip 2001
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Blackpool 2001
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   In preparation for their first Blackpool Dance Festival, Joel & Clara travelled to England to train for a full month.  Training under some of the world's best coaches, as well as practicing and competing alongside the world's best dancers has had a tremendous impact on Joel & Clara's dancing.   This awe-inspiring trip could not have been possible without the generous support of both Joel & Clara's parents, Clara's Aunt Mena, Ms. Lilian Liu and their good friends from England, Rohit and Gordie.

Joel and Clara had the wonderful opportunity to work with one of the world's top female dancers, Charlotte Jorgensen.  Ever since they saw her inspiring performances in the World Superstars videos, Joel & Clara always wanted to meet and train with Charlotte.  Their lessons with her were both inspiring and very informative.  To the right is a photo of Joel & Clara with Charlotte in the world famous Streatham Starlight Studio.

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england_2001_londonvictoria_small.jpg (56267 bytes)Joel and Clara also had the wonderful opportunity to work with Robert & Barbara Grover, two of the world's top coaches.  Although they had to travel almost four hours round trip to and from the Grovers' studio, their lessons were definitely worth it.  The knowledge and experience the Grover's shared with them had a huge impact on Joel and Clara's dancing. The photo to the left is of the Victoria train station, through which Joel & Clara passed as they changed trains on the way to the Grovers' studio.  The photo below is of Joel & Clara with Robert and Barbara in their backyard studio.  

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The weekend prior to the Blackpool festival, Joel & Clara accompanied their friends Rohit & Gordie to one of ballroom's more prestigious parties.  The annual Streatham Starlight party is held the weekend before Blackpool.  Bill and Bobbie Irvine (the godfather and godmother of ballroom) host this one-of-a-kind party in their studio every year.  Just about everyone who is anyone in ballroom dancing attends the party, and this year's was no exception.  Rubbing elbows with the superstars of DanceSport was quite an honour for Joel & Clara.  Being at this party for them was like being backstage at the Academy Awards for an aspiring young actor or actress.

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Joel & Clara with their friends Gordie & Rohit and Chris & Hazel at the Starlight party.

The guests were treated to a number of great shows by some of the world's top dancers such as Louie Van Amstel & Joanna Leunis, Charlotte Jorgnesen with her new partner Giampero Giannico, and Christopher Hawkins & Hazel Newberry.  To top off an already wonderful and fun-filled evening, the party-goers were entertained by a dance skit by 8 of the world's top male dancers (who are all instructors at the studio) together with the esteemed Bobbie Irvine.  This year's comedy dance routine showcased Bo, Augusto, Hide, Paul R., Paul K., Tony, Corky & Marcus performing a 101 Dalmations skit to the popular song "Who Let The Dogs Out?!", with Bobbie as Cruella DeVille.  Joel & Clara aren't sure if they are supposed to post these pics, but since some of them have already been published in Dance News...here's a little peek.

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More pics to come.  Check back soon!

   In preparation for Blackpool, Joel & Clara had very valuable learning experiences at the practice sessions at two of the world's most notable studios.  At their first practice at Streatham Starlight, the first couple they saw was William Pino & Alessandra Bucharelli.  Wow!  Furthermore, at their practice sessions at Dance Options Cheam, Joel & Clara practiced with a number of world champions such as Luca & Lorraine Barrichi, Christopher Hawkins & Hazel Newberry, Johnathan Crossely & Kylie Jones and many more!  Dancing alongside such great dancers really brought out the best in their own dancing.  It's like playing a pick-up basketball game with Larry Bird, Magic Johnson & Michael Jordan.   Slightly intimidating, but overwhelmingly inspiring!!!

   What made these practice sessions even more different than those in Vancouver was the sheer number of dancers practicing at the same time.   There were so many dancers at each of the practice sessions, that organizers had to split up the couples into 4 heats.  While one heat was on the floor practicing, the other 3 had to stand to the side and wait.  It wasn't so bad though.  At least Joel & Clara were able watch the world's top dancers practice right before their very eyes.  Practices were quite costly, about 8£ each (the equivalent of about $18 Canadian).  However, the lessons Joel and Clara learnt on and off the floor were well worth it.


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